Composite NIRSpec prism spectra from Roberts-Borsani et al. (2024)

Here we provide the NIRSpec prism composite spectra constructed in Roberts-Borsani et al. (2024), stacked as a function of redshift, absolute magnitude, and stellar mass (see Sections 2 and 3 for details). The spectra are contained within two tar files, one containing the composites in Table 2 of Roberts-Borsani et al, and one containing continuously-updated composites as prism data become available, using the same procedures and stacking criteria described in the paper. In addition, we also include the (continuously-updated) composite from Figure 3 of the paper, which is not used in the analysis.

Composite spectrum of all z>5 sources : zgtr5_AllObjects_RestFrame_full.txt [last update 13/03/2024]
Composite spectra from the paper : Composite_Spectra_RB24.tar.gz
Updated composite spectra from the paper [last update 13/03/2024] : Coming soon

The composites have names, redshifts, and inferred properties as listed in Table 2 of Roberts-Borsani et al. (2024). Each have five columns:

[column 1] : Observed wavelength (in Angstroms)
[column 2] : Spectral fluxes (in nJy)
[column 3] : 1σ uncertainties (semi-difference of the 16th-84th percentiles divided by SQRT(N)). Same units as column 2.
[column 4] : The same as column 3 but with artificially-boosted uncertainties over strong emission lines. Same units as column 2.
[column 5] : The spread of the data (from the semi difference of the 16th-84th percentiles). Same units as column 2.

We also provide separately the average (wavelength-dependent) slit loss correction function from the paper (see Appendix B and Figure 13), which consists of two columns:

[column 1] : Observed wavelength (in microns)
[column 2] : The multiplicative factor to apply to the prism spectrum.

Slit loss correction function : slitloss_avg_correction.txt

If you use any of these data products, please consider citing Roberts-Borsani et al. (2024) Any questions or feedback, please email Guido Roberts-Borsani (guido.roberts-borsani - AT -

NIRCam Extragalactic Imaging and Photometric Catalog of Abell 2744

We release the reduced images and multi-wavelength catalog of the first JWST NIRCam extra-galactic observations from the GLASS Early Release Science Program, obtained as coordinated parallels of the NIRISS observations of the Abell 2744 cluster.

Images in seven bands (F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W, F444W) have been reduced using a customized version of the official JWST pipeline; we removed defects in the raw images using a customised version of the STScI pipeline. We obtain a multi-band catalog by means of forced aperture photometry on PSF-matched images at the position of F444W-detected sources. The catalog is intended to enable early scientific investigations, and it is optimized for faint galaxies; it contains 6368 sources, with limiting magnitude 29.7 at 5sigma in F444W.

We release both images and catalog in order to allow the community to familiarize with the JWST NIRCam data and evaluate their merit and limitations given the current level of knowledge of the instrument.

See Merlin et al. (2022) for detailed information. Please cite the paper if you use the catalog or the images for your research.

The catalog and the images are available for download from here.

NIRCam Extragalactic Imaging and Photometric Catalog of Abell 2744 and extended areas

We also release the images and multi-wavelength catalog of the whole NIRCam extra-galactic observations obtained over the region of the cluster of galaxies Abell 2744. We combine and release public data coming from three different programs: GLASS-JWST (PI T. Treu), UNCOVER (PIs R. Bezansons and I. Labbé) and DDT-2756 (PI W. Chen).

Images in 8 JWST bands (F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W, F410M, F444W) have been reduced using a customized version of the official JWST pipeline.

We have also included available images (courtesy of G. Brammer) taken with HST in 8 bands (F435W, F606W, F775W and F814W with ACS and F105W, F125W, F140W and F160W with WFC3) on a subset of the field.

We obtain a multi-band catalog by means of forced aperture photometry on PSF-matched images at the position of F444W-detected sources. The catalog is intended to enable early scientific investigations, and it is optimized for faint galaxies; it contains 24389 sources, with limiting magnitude 29.7 at 5sigma in F444W.

We release both images and catalogs in order to allow the community to familiarize with the JWST NIRCam data and evaluate their merit and limitations given the current level of knowledge of the instrument.

See Paris et al. (2023) for detailed information. Please cite the paper if you use the catalog or the images for your research.

The catalog and the images are available for download from here.